Number One Sensory Tool In Our Home

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My youngest son Peter seeks out sensory input as frequently as possible. He jumps, pushes, pounds, climbs his way through the day. If we don’t direct his seeking in a positive way he will also pinch, hit, and push things down. Because of his need for lots of sensory input we give him many opportunities throughout the day. 

The number one sensory tool that we use in our home right now is Kinetic Sand. I dump it into a plastic shoebox from the dollar store, along with these tools and my son will play for close to 30 minutes, especially if I sit at the table with him. He frequently will plop some of his matchbox cars into the sand or bury one his Lego men. He smooshes and smashes and makes up stories in a way that I have never seen him play with other toys. 

Kinetic sand sticks to itself so is very easy to clean up. Because of the stick factor it also lasts a long time because it isn’t lost on the floor or in clothes. I highly recommend this for any family with a child (or adult!) who needs a calming influence in their day.
