Kendra's New Book is Available for Pre-Order!

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Back in 2008, faithful readers of Preschoolers and Peace followed along in real time as our 8th child, Joe, was whisked away to a nearby children's hospital after I found him in a coma.

Two weeks later "Mighty Joe" emerged with the effects of heart damage, kidney failure, liver failure, and permanent brain damage.

Six months later, I then accidentally ran over our 5-year-old with our 12-passenger van. That horrifying incident led to an investigation by Child Protective Services, but our tiny 5-year-old lived with a simple fractured pelvis. Our foundations were not so simply fractured, however.

A year later we woke one morning to discover our 8-year-old daughter in septic shock. She had a ruptured appendix that nearly took her life and kept us in the hospital for another three weeks and three surgeries. We would soon find ourselves losing our grip on everything we thought we were doing right (including this blog).

Now New Growth Press is publishing our story.

Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace is the gripping true story of how God used suffering to save our family from empty religion. As wave after wave of crisis hit, we discovered that getting religion “right” wasn’t a good substitute for a living relationship with a loving God. Through our suffering, we learned about misplaced identities and false hope, and we threw ourselves wholly into the arms of Jesus—where we found the grace we so desperately needed.

Will you help me to spread the word?

I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to tell our story again and again, in the hope that others will find their own freedom in the gospel, too. You may recognize that this is a story for you — a call to remember your identity in Christ. Or you may know someone who is in serious need of a fresh reminder to find their purpose, worth, value, and significance in Jesus.

Pre-Order, Please

Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace will be released in February of 2017, and we can't wait! But one of the best ways to spread the word is to pre-order your own copy because booksellers see those pre-orders as an indication as to whether or not they should carry the book in their store or website. It would help immensely!

Thank You

For reading, for praying, for commenting, for encouraging. Our stories are intertwined, and I am so thankful.